Liberating captive wealth

QLedgr removes barriers preventing users from their inability to immediately access fund-based savings. Click below for more on our technology and card program.

Why Does It Matter?

Millions of Americans have little to no long-term financial value. They trade growth for liquidity because they have no other choices. What if we could offer another choice?  Millions of Americans have little to no long-term financial value. They trade growth for liquidity because they have no other choices. What if we could offer another choice?  

Our Vision

We made it so that everyone has the opportunity to make sound financial choices for their future while allowing them to make real-time qualified transactions. We made it so that everyone has the opportunity to make sound financial choices for their future while allowing them to make real-time qualified transactions.


Our technology integrates with existing tax-advantaged account programs and purchasing services to build wealth and ongoing rewards. Our technology integrates with existing tax-advantaged account programs and purchasing services to build wealth and ongoing rewards.

How It Works


For a moment, pretend you are waiting for your money to deposit into your checking account. It doesn't seem like a hassle until you're at the doctor's office and you can't cover the bill. That's why we developed a way for account holders to never wait for funds to clear again. 


By eliminating unnecessary steps in the transaction process, we are closing the gap between your account holders and their money.  By doing this, we are unraveling new ways their money can work for them.  

IRA Logix

"A new beachhead for wealth and liquidity"
[to move tax-advantaged programs into the modern era]